Dr. Brian Crispell is a specialist in treating all disorders of the foot and ankle. Problems with your feet and ankles can result in difficulty with walking, standing, and general mobility - these are vital parts of human life. One of Dr. Crispell's primary goals is to keep his patients as mobile as possible. Dr. Crispell utilizes the most advanced treatment methods in modern medicine to optimize your foot and ankle health. He is able to treat most foot and ankle disorders without the need for surgery. If surgery is required, Dr. Crispell is highly qualified as a Board Certified surgeon with the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery.
Dr. Crispell accepts most insurances including: Medicare, Medicaid (as a secondary), Keystone Health Plan East, Keystone VIP Choice, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Amerihealth, Cigna, United, AARP, IBC Personal Choice, Independence Blue Cross, Jeffplus, Multiplan, Highmark, and most Aetna plans. If you do not see your plan listed call the office and check if it is accepted.
We do not accept: Cigna Healthspring, Bravo, Aetna Better Health, and Health Partners. We do not accept new patients with medicaid as a primary insurance.